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· 6 min read
Krystian Sowiński
Barbara Wierzba-Sowińska

Working with states in React can be tricky due to their volatility. That's why it's crucial to be aware of best practices in managing states that will make your code simple and prone to bugs.

There are many challenges related to the usage of states, here are some possible issues you may stumble upon while working with React states.

· 6 min read
Krystian Sowiński
Barbara Wierzba-Sowińska

Are you tired of annoying errors and bugs after your code has been released? Then it's about time you became best friends with TypeScript! The sole fact of using TypeScript introduces some degree of safety to our codebase. But you can easily boost type safety with TypeScript even more. Here are some tricks that will help you achieve this goal and improve the quality of your code at the same time.

· 12 min read
Krystian Sowiński

Nowadays, no matter which framework we're using or if any at all, no matter if we're using TypeScript or not, we're still writing JavaScript (kinda). There are many helpful features in recent ECMAScript versions that may significantly improve both code readability and our efficiency. Let's jump into them!