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Boost your type safety

· 6 min read
Krystian Sowiński
Barbara Wierzba-Sowińska

Are you tired of annoying errors and bugs after your code has been released? Then it's about time you became best friends with TypeScript! The sole fact of using TypeScript introduces some degree of safety to our codebase. But you can easily boost type safety with TypeScript even more. Here are some tricks that will help you achieve this goal and improve the quality of your code at the same time.

  • TypeScript works at build time only
  • all types are removed when code is compiled to JS

Narrow to literals

Let's define a simple variable:

const result = {
status: 'ok', // string
data: ['here we go'] // string[]
// ...
if (result.status === 'error') {
// ...

At first glance everything looks fine, no error is thrown.

if (result.status === 'error') {
// 🥴 We should never be here since `status` was 'ok'.

The condition doesn't make sense, but it will pass compilation.

Let's see how it behaves if we use as const cast to define a literal type string.

const saferResult = {
status: 'ok' as const, // ✨ 'ok'
data: ['here we go again'] // string[]
if (saferResult.status === 'error') {
// ✨ TS will complain since 'error' could not be 'ok',
// compilation fails, we are safe

Using literal types is extremely useful, when we precisely know the values of a variable.

Narrowing the range of possible values may seem quite non-intuitive, but it actually has many advantages. By removing the parts of code that would never actually impact the application in any way, we:

  • significantly improve the quality of our code,
  • we improve the developer experience for everyone (including ourselves) that will later on work on our code,
  • we make the application lighter - removing a single unnecessary position from our code may seem to be irrelevant, but when we're talking about multiple lines in a massive application - it might considerably improve our app's performance.

Union types

With union types, you specify the possible values of a type. It's up to you how many values the type can have. In the following example, we define a primitive type, Status:

type Status = 'ok' | 'error'

Unions can be much more complex and have various shapes. In the following example, we're creating a new type based on a union of two different types.

type Person = {
id: string
name: string
email: string
type Company = {
id: number
name: string
phoneNumber: string

type Entity = Person | Company

type Entity = {
id: string | number
name: string

If a property is absent from any of the members, it is removed when we're using union. For example, email is only present in Person, not in Company - that's why it's not included in the union. The same goes for phoneNumber. Properties that are defined in the same way (name), remain unchanged in our result (the union of string | string is string). In case of id, because it was present in both types, but with different values, the result is a union of both types.

Discriminated union

If a property exists only in specific circumstances, we can verify its presence using a discriminator. The type is then resolved to a member of this union.

type Response = {
status: 'ok'
data: string[]
} | {
status: 'error'
error: string

function makeTheCall(): Response {
// ...

const response = makeTheCall()

if (response.status === 'ok') {
} else {

The main advantage of such strong typing is that our code is much more simple. We don't need to additionally check if the data or error property is in the variable.

Infer return type

Consider the following function that returns an HTTP call response:

function makeTheCall() {
let ok: boolean
let results: string[]
let error: string
// ... do the stuff ...
if (ok) {
return {
status: 'ok',
data: results
} else {
return {
status: 'error',
message: error

/* {
status: string
data?: string[] | undefined
message?: string | undefined
} */

Return type of the function is weakly inferred, since both 'ok' and 'error' are considered to be strings.

In order to fix it, cast as const. It makes the union much more safe, but TS is still inferring types. Simple strings are then considered constant values - however, if something was declared as a string beforehand, it would still be considered a regular string.

function makeTheCall() {
let ok: boolean
let results: string[]
let error: string
// ... do the stuff ...
if (ok) {
return {
status: 'ok',
data: results
} as const // ✨
} else {
return {
status: 'error',
message: error
} as const // ✨

/* {
status: 'ok'
data: string[]
} | {
status: 'error'
message: string
} */

TypeScript will infer and unite all returns.

Having cast both returns as const, we can now safely work with the status.

const response = makeTheCall()

if (response.status === 'ok') {
} else {

Here are some crucial benefits of casting return types:

  • we don't have to specify types,
  • TS will infer the types, which is highly recommended.

Return type

The ReturnType utility type is a generic type that helps us easily define the type returned by a function.

type Response = ReturnType<typeof makeTheCall>

/* {
status: 'ok'
data: string[]
} | {
status: 'error'
message: string
} */
Did you know?

In the context of types, typeof operator will infer the shape of something that has already been defined.

const label = 'here we go'
type Label = typeof label // ✨ string

const response = {
status: 'ok' as const,
data: ['here we go again']
type Response = typeof response
/* ✨ {
status: 'ok'
data: string[]
} */

We can infer the types of variables, that can be then saved for later use in the application.